Connecting Communities Program

Strengthening Communities: The Transformative Impact of Road Construction by Cacao Oro  

At Cacao Oro, we firmly believe in the power of connecting communities to enhance the economic and social development of our area of influence. Our close collaboration with the Municipal Mayor’s Office of Rosita reflects this commitment, having channeled joint efforts towards the monumental project of rehabilitating the road that links El Black with Rosario Kukalaya. This cooperative effort represents not just an infrastructural improvement initiative but symbolizes a bridge toward progress and community unity.  

The project, marked by the invaluable contribution of personnel, machinery, and operational resources by the municipality, has seen notable synergy with our company. Cacao Oro has not only ensured the safeguarding of the involved machinery but has also provided crucial logistics for the mobilization of select materials, ensuring fluidity and efficiency at every step of the project.  

This collective endeavor underscores our dedication not just to physical connectivity but also to the social and economic fabric of local communities. The contribution from La Rosita farm, providing select material and machinery at critical phases of the project, highlights the importance of dynamic and effective public-private collaboration. 

The impact of these roads extends beyond tangible infrastructure; it facilitates access to markets for local producers, improves employment opportunities, and opens vital access channels for emergency and health services, thereby weaving a stronger network of safety and economic opportunity for everyone. 

Cacao Oro has committed to fulfilling the request of community leaders in Rosario 1 and Rosario Sector 2 for the construction of a 1,000-meter road, which serves as a vital pathway for ambulance access during emergencies. Beyond its critical role in emergency response, this road also carries significant economic benefits for the local community. It facilitates the transportation of harvested crops by producers and grants easier access to the area for suppliers.  

At Cacao Oro, we are proud to contribute to projects that go beyond road development, advocating for an integrated approach that embraces community well-being, accessibility, and economic advancement. We are committed to continuing to be a pillar in building a future where each constructed road is a step towards a more united, prosperous, and resilient community.